Social media has become an incredibly important tool for all kinds of professionals. This would especially include photographers — both the veteran professionals and the up-and-coming. 

Essentially, these various channels offer an extended reach to newer audiences. They also provide a place where photographers can showcase their latest work while linking back to their websites for bookings, print selections, and more. However, every content creator knows that today in 2022, it’s not just about attracting potential clients and booking your typical gigs (although that’s still important!)

However, it’s also about monetizing every aspect of your brand and business. 

While you probably have your hands full as a photographer — booking events, shoots, selling themed prints, etc. — there’s so much more you can do to grow your brand name. TrueFanz is the platform that can help you do more. 

Want to learn how? Keep reading!

Choosing the Right Earning Platform For Creators

As a professional or amateur photographer in today’s world, you already know the value of social media channels like Facebook and Instagram for your work. If you’re on Facebook, then you probably have a business page and if you’re on Instagram, you probably have both a business account and a personal account where you show off the fun stuff.

The point is, as a photographer, there are a lot of platforms out there you can use to build brand awareness and leverage more revenue opportunities outside your typical bookings. 

The question is, are you using the right ones?  

There’s technically no wrong answer here because it’s more about how you use each earning platform for creators to tip the monetary scales in your favor. However, some platforms will bring you more success compared to others. Others will offer you more control over how you generate revenue from your photography. 

However, TrueFanz is the platform that can guarantee the right kind of support that leads to success while putting you in control of how you earn. This is what separates it from all the other earning platforms for creators.

Here’s how TrueFanz helps photographers do both:

It offers exclusivity

Sure, any social media platform will offer you the space to create a digital portfolio as well as the option to make your account private. However, it’s much riskier to keep your Instagram private for the sake of being mysterious, high-end, or exclusive. It’s also something that can deter the number of social shares you get.

TrueFanz, on the other hand, thrives off its exclusivity. The platform is invite-only for creators, which means only the best are accepted. This is something that allows you to bypass the extensive competition among other platforms while also heightening your brand as a photographer simply because you made it onto the platform.

Less competition also means more chances to successfully boost your revenue.  

It allows you to engage personally with your followers

As a photographer on TrueFanz, you’ll have a handful of unique tools and features to help you connect with your followers. What’s more, is that you’ll be able to engage with those who admire your work the most on a much more personal level.

This is because TrueFanz allows you to chat with your followers one-on-one to get to them better while also providing specialized content that only a few will receive depending on their subscription level to your profile. Here is where you’ll be able to generate more of a fulfilling type of brand loyalty, as your followers will have the space to get to know you as a human being — not just some influencer who curates favorable responses to every person who @’s them.

It also allows you to network with other photographers

TrueFanz isn’t just about the everyday people who enjoy your content. It’s also a place where all content creators can get to know each other to collaborate. Imagine meeting other visionaries that can help come up with unique content ideas for photographers?

Not to mention, the content creation platform is owned and run by creators themselves, who make it a point to become professionally involved with the creators that are accepted onto the platform. This is something that can take your photography career to the next level, which other platforms don’t offer.

It gives you a place to personalize your niche further

Let’s say your bread and butter is wedding photography or baby portraits. That’s great, especially if you’re making a stable living from it. But what about other niches? 

TrueFanz can serve as your specialized platform where people can go to see work from you, they’ve never seen before. Or, you can even use it to exhibit your new and unseen stuff to your exclusive following before releasing it on your other platforms. 

Either way, there are plenty of new content ideas for photographers to try out with the TrueFanz platform. 

You can leverage the features for even more earnings

The TrueFanz platform provides its creators with everything they need to leverage their content for successful monetization. 

For example, you can use the message filtering feature, which allows you to see which of your subscribers have become inactive. From there you can reach out to them to see if you can revive their interest using personalized videos, messages, and so on to win them over again. 

Another way to leverage your photography content is by using the “Preview” feature, which allows you to upload 60-second videos to intrigue your followers to pay to unlock certain content. This also helps to build trust, since your followers will get to see what they’ll be getting. 

You’ll also get to make use of the earnings dashboard, which provides creators with straightforward insights into their earnings. You’ll be able to track and analyze which of your pieces are earning the most, so you can see what’s working and what’s not.

TrueFanz is the perfect platform for all kinds of photographers that are looking to expand on their monetization strategy for all their content. It’s also a great community to join for those looking to branch out and show off a different kind of creative side. 

Apply for a TrueFanz account today and start getting more out of your photographic talents!